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Hello world! This is by LTD Presents this domain, or Host Your Website at a Click, dedicated to encourage Melanesian peoples, or ALL WANTOKS to register domain names and later own host their websites.

Melanesian peoples are almost absent in global social, economic, cultural and political arena. Only Fiji is famous for Rugby, Papua New Guinea for rascal's gangs with cheap gold and timber. West Papua is known for human rights violations and independence struggle, just the same as those in Kanaky. Other than that, we are practically and mostly absent from various global social, cultural, sport, political, economic arena.

That is our physical presence.

What about our virtual presence?

More worrying. 

Yes, it is more worrying, because almost every Melanesian person thinks that being present at is already enough, I already know the Internet and I am a modern person, I am famous and therefore, I am not lost, left behind or backward.

That is totally untrue.

Well, first of all, is not your address, it is not your village name, it is not your own name, it is not your particular address. You are just coming to other peoples' house, yard, village and you are playing round there, display your face, your name, say something, and you think you are already heard, and therefore, you are present ONLINE.

Well, Social Media is like a Fresh Market, a betel nut or buai market, everyone comes there, every one looks at each other, every one says or does something, yes every one can see what is happening. However, every one does not know who are those others present in that particular market. They can only recognise their friends, families and relatives that they already know before coming to buai market. This buai market is not for introducing yourself, not for expressing yourself. It is just for coming and chew betel nut 

To be present in this virtual world, just like you are present in physical world in your own house, village, island, country, you yourself have to be present here. In order to be present in virtual world, yes You need to have a virtual name, that called, a domain name.

We at, provide facility that make it possible for us Melanesians to register domain names.

Thank you! God bless yumi, God bless Melanesia!

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